


최종 제출 코드

😢 변의 길이 순서가 랜덤으로 들어오는 듯 하다.

😊 ||(or)으로 모든 경우를 넣어주든지
sort순서를 처리해주면 된다.

Full Code (https://github.com/DasolPark/Dasol_JS_Algorithm/tree/master/Baekjoon)

// A right-angled triangle(Pythagorean theorem)
// 2nd Soludion(sort)
// For submit
// const fs = require('fs');
// const input = fs.readFileSync('/dev/stdin').toString().trim().split('\n');
// For local test
const input = ['6 8 10', '25 52 60', '5 12 13', '5 4 3', '0 0 0'];
for (let sides of input) {
const strToInt = sides
.split(' ')
.map(num => Math.pow(parseInt(num), 2))
.sort((a, b) => a - b);
const firstSidePow = strToInt.shift();
const secondSidePow = strToInt.shift();
const thirdSidePow = strToInt.shift();
if (firstSidePow === 0 && secondSidePow === 0 && thirdSidePow === 0) {
if (firstSidePow + secondSidePow === thirdSidePow) {
} else {
// 1st Solution(or)
// For submit
// const fs = require('fs');
// const input = fs.readFileSync('/dev/stdin').toString().trim().split('\n');
// For local test
// const input = ['6 8 10', '25 52 60', '5 12 13', '0 0 0'];
// for (let sides of input) {
// const strToInt = sides.split(' ').map(num => Math.pow(parseInt(num), 2));
// const firstSidePow = strToInt.shift();
// const secondSidePow = strToInt.shift();
// const thirdSidePow = strToInt.shift();
// if (firstSidePow === 0 && secondSidePow === 0 && thirdSidePow === 0) {
// break;
// }
// if (
// firstSidePow + secondSidePow === thirdSidePow ||
// firstSidePow + thirdSidePow === secondSidePow ||
// secondSidePow + thirdSidePow === firstSidePow
// ) {
// console.log('right');
// } else {
// console.log('wrong');
// }
// }

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